CYCO Recovery Kit

CYCO Recovery Kit


The CYCO Complete Recovery Kit has been put together to act as a rapid response to aid plants showing signs of environmental stresses or deficiencies. Using these carefully selected CYCO products will give a garden the boost it needs to get back on track and growing healthy and strong plants.

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CYCO Recovery kit includes everything needed to revitalise plants after a period of stagnant growth, environmental stress or poor growing conditions. The Recovery Kit includes 1 litre each of B1 Boost, Dr. Repair and Zyme. Use to correct signs of disease or deficiency, or to supplement a nutrient regimen to keep plants at their healthiest.Cyco Recovery kit

The CYCO Recovery Kit will help plant health when used as a maintenance product with CYCO products, or as a problem solution if used with alternative products.

  • Helps maximize your plants growth potential.
  • Helps revitilize slow growing plants.
  • Helps plants recover if they have signs of deficiencies due to environmental stresses or poor growing conditions

Suitable with a wide range of growing systems and mediums.

The Recovery Kit has been put together to act as a rapid response to aid plants showing signs of environmental stresses or deficiencies. Using these carefully selected CYCO products will give your garden the boost it needs to get back on track and growing healthy, strong plants.

  • Revitalizes slow growing plants
  • Maximise plant growth potential
  • Get plants back to a healthy state

The Recovery Kit includes:-

  • 1 Litre CYCO Dr. Repair.
  • 1 Litre CYCO Zyme.
  • 1 Litre CYCO B1 Boost.
  • 1x Information Booklet.

Key Features:-

  • Revitalises slow-growing plants.
  • Maximise plant growth potential.
  • Get plants back to a healthy state.


Recommended Additional Purchases:-

For our full range of CYCO nutrients please see here!

Additional Information:-

You can download CYCO’s nutrient feeding schedules here!