Dutch Pro Silica (Von Liebig Special)

Dutch Pro Silica (Von Liebig Special)

From £34.95

Dutch Pro Silica (Von Liebig’s Special) is used to increase yield and protect your plants against stress. Silicon is known to improve the plant’s nutrient uptake, promotes stronger and thicker stems, resists bacterial and fungal diseases and reduces heat stress. Silicon also ensures better root development and faster growth.

Availability: 250ml, 1ltr, 5ltr, 10ltr and 20ltr.

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SKU: Dutch_Pro_Silica Category:


Dutch Pro Silica is used to increase yield and stress train your plant. Silica improves the uptake of nutrients, promotes stronger and thicker stems, provides resistance to bacterial and fungal diseases and decreases stress. Silica also allows for better root development and faster growth. Dutch Pro Silica – Von Liebig’s Special is highly concentrated and uses nanotechnology for an increase in effectivity.

Dutch Pro Silica Von Liebig is an additive to be used alongside the rest of the Dutch Pro nutrient range. It comprises high quality mono silicic acid that has been highly concentrated and then processed using nano technology. This makes it extremely effective at what it does, as the plant can absorb it as fast as it can use it. The benefits of Dutch Pro Silica Von Liebig are manyfold and many growers have discovered what additional silica can do for their yields.

Silica increases the resistance against heat and drought and allows plants to develop thicker stems. This results in faster sap flow and more nutrients can be transported to the right parts of your plant. Over time, your plants will develop visibly thicker fruits, who are not only bigger, but also sweeter and heavier.

NPK: 0,1 – 0,1 – 0,1

*No PGRs are used in any Dutch Pro products.

Recommended Additional Products:-

For our full range of Dutch Pro nutrients see here!

Additional Information:-

More information from the manufacturer here!